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If you are interested, please write to to purchase some of the original art that you can check in this blog.

01 diciembre 2013

Mueren los colores

Ya está a la venta "Mueren los Colores", un librito de poesía escrito por Pablo Patiño e ilustrado por mi. Si quieres uno, contacta conmigo:
Already on sale "The Colors Die", a book of poetry written by Pablo Patiño and illustrated by me. If you want one, contact me:
(It's in english too)

muffins! muffins! muffins!

chocolate muffin

cinnamon & vainilla muffin

muesly muffin

blueberries muffin

 christmas muffin

Por fin, ya están horneadas!!!

Finally, they're already baked!!!

little witch - halloween 2013

Más vale tarde que nunca...


Better late than never...